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Brand Review: The Veda Center

Have you always wanted to learn how to meditate, but you aren’t sure where to start? Or maybe you know how to meditate but want to learn how to guide others in practice. Either way, The Veda Center is here to teach you everything you need to know about the practice of meditation.

Meditation isn’t always easy. But if you are trained on how to properly use it, meditation can be employed to positively transform your life. The Veda Center is the perfect place to learn how to meditate properly, as well as how to learn how to teach others to use meditation in their own life.

No matter when or how you have started your relationship with meditation, it’s time to learn more about the proper practices through the Veda Center. Keep reading to learn more about how the Veda Center can make a difference in your life.

What is the Veda Center?

The Veda Center is a meditation training center that can teach you how to deepen your relationship with meditation as well as how to learn to teach others to meditate. With a selection of online courses, the Veda Center can teach you more about meditation no matter where you are on this earth.

The Veda Center is run by Charlie Knoles, and he is the main teacher for most of the courses. Charlie has been known all over the world for his amazing meditation technique and ability to teach others how to meditate. Charlie himself has been meditating since he was just four years old.

Regardless of where you are in your meditation journey, the Veda Center has all the resources you need to further it and create something beautiful out of your meditation practice. Charlie believes that meditation is for everyone and that there is no wrong way to practice meditation.

What Does the Veda Center Offer?

The Veda Center offers so many classes that it can be difficult to know which one is for you! The owner of the Veda Center is always happy to help, and you can direct your questions about if a certain course is for you to him. And even if you don’t contact him, Charlie contacts all of his class participants in advance to the start of the class to ensure the class they have chosen is for them.

The Veda Center Meditation Teacher Training

The Veda Center offers a 200-hour online program that will certify you to teach all four main experiences of meditation. When you finish this course, you will have all the tools you need to start your own meditation practice. And even if you already have your own meditation center, this course can help you to broaden your knowledge and your own course offerings.

Besides just learning how to teach meditation to others, you will also experience a deep change in your own life and the way you see the world. This course covers several subjects, from the philosophy and science behind meditation to the business requirements of having your own business.

And it’s not only that, Charlie, the instructor of the course, will also teach you how you can find your own students—as he really does want the best for you and wants to make sure you leave his course ready to meet success with your own meditation practice.

Even if you don’t want to have your own meditation practice, this class may still be for you, as it is designed to help professionals from all walks of life. So if you are a yoga teacher that wants to add a meditation aspect to your course, this is for you. The same goes for a therapist or counselor that wishes to add meditation to their program as well.

The Quintessential Guide to Meditation

If you aren’t quite at the point where you are ready to become a certified meditation instructor just yet, don’t worry, as The Veda Center has something for everyone, even those who have just started their meditation journey.

The Quintessential Guide to Meditation is a beginner’s course for those who want to simply learn more about how they can meditate and benefit from their practice. The class is all online, and the first thing you will do is find the meditation type that is right for you. Not everyone is the same, and therefore not everyone will meditate the same way either.

And if you aren’t sure what type of meditation is for you, don’t be afraid to try a few different ones! That is what this class is all about—finding what works for you. The course is a combination of videos, question and answer sessions, and forums where you can discuss your discoveries in meditation with other classmates.

Vedic Meditation Mastery

If you feel that you’ve mastered the basics of meditation, you may be looking for the next step. At the Veda Center, the next step is to take the Vedic Meditation Mastery course. This class will help you to meditate more deeply and create spiritual connections with yourself and others.

For those that desire to discover more advanced knowledge, make a change in your life, and become a true yogi, this course is absolutely for you. This course is an online course that you can take from the comfort of your own home. You will be completing readings, be expected to study, and to critique works of Vedic literature.

You will, of course, practice meditation along the way—both on your own and in personalized sessions with Charlie himself. Although this class will be challenging, it is also meant to have a therapeutic feel, and you should approach the course with an open mind.

This class is not for beginners, and you will need to have been practicing meditation for at least three months before taking this course. This course is additionally a pre-requisite for the Vedic Meditation Teacher Training if that is something you are interested in.

Private Courses in Vedic Meditation

Does being in a class with others make you nervous? Are online courses just not for you? Not to worry, as Charlie also offers private courses that can be tailored to fit your schedule. And you don’t have to tackle it alone, as you can pick 10 of your closest family or friends to attend with you.

For this class, Charlie will travel to wherever you are and design a course with your specifications in mind. This is ideal if you are looking to incorporate meditation as part of a corporate retreat or team-building exercise—as these are often best done in person rather than online. Why not just go on a meditation retreat as an office?

Another great feature about the private course is that you can have Charlie focus on the areas that you need help in the most. And if you have questions, they can be answered immediately, without having to wait for an email or forum posting response.

Vedic Meditation Teacher Training

Now, if you have taken the Vedic Meditation Mastery Course, and want to go on to teach Vedic Meditation, then you should take the Vedic Meditation Teacher Training course. This course is the most intense and one of the coolest options offered by the Veda Center and will qualify as 1800 hours of training.

Before you can enroll in this course, you must complete the above Veda Meditation Mastery course and have been practicing meditation for at least one year. This course is NOT online and is a full-time immersion course in the country of Indonesia, more specifically, the island of Bali. If you have taken the 200-hour teacher certification with Veda, this course can count towards your 1800-hour certification.

This class has numerous aspects that you simply can’t get in an online format. You will be required to complete several physical as well as mental exercises. There is a daily fitness requirement that will improve your overall fitness. You will learn how to let go of the toxic things in the life that may be holding you back even if you don’t know it.

Beyond becoming more physically fit, there will be several parts of the course that will expand your knowledge of meditation, science, and the world around you. You will need to memorize several aspects of this course and be able to demonstrate your knowledge to the instructor.

This class will outfit you with everything you need to know about the Vedic culture and traditions, as well as transform you into a teacher of the Vedic art of meditation. Charlie is so sure of your abilities when you finish this course that after passing the final test, you will be able to join the Veda Center as faculty.

This course is not for the faint of heart. Although the first week is done via at-home study on your own time, you will be required to travel to Bali and live there for three months while you complete the course.

Additional Courses

Above are all the courses that are currently offered at the Veda Center, but the course offerings do change frequently, so it’s important that you check back in if you don’t see the class you want to take currently being offered.

Reading List

You may decide that taking a meditation class just isn’t in the cards for you right now, and that’s okay, as The Veda Center offers several free resources on their website that can help you deepen your mediation practice without a course, allowing you the ability to learn more about meditation now and join a course when you have the time.

Check out their free list of reading recommendations. All of these books listed have a personal review from Charlie on why he thinks they will make a great addition to your library and how they can help you with your meditation practice.


Whether you want to learn how to meditate in a way that will really transform your life or how to teach others how to apply meditation in their own lives, the Veda Center can help you achieve those goals. Under the guidance of their founder Charlie, the teachers at the Veda Center are trained to help you find the meditation practice that will best benefit you.

The ease of having online courses can’t be beat as you fit, deepening your understanding of meditation into your everyday life. But if you prefer an in-person class, the Veda Center offers those as well. Whatever it is you are looking for in your journey with meditation, let the Veda Center guide you to the next level.