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3 Great Resources to Learn Vedic Meditation Teacher Training

Everyday life can be hectic and busy causing unwanted and unneeded stress on yourself. You may want to find a way to relieve stress in a healthy and functional way. What if you were capable of learning Vedic Meditation and teaching it through training?

There are three great resources you can use to learn Vedic Meditation teacher training, including:

  1. The Veda Center
  2. Laura Poole 
  3. Vedic Meditation IT

Becoming comfortable with yourself and how your mind and body works can be a grand adventure. A step to learning yourself can be through meditation as you will be welcomed with clarity and an open mind. Read on to learn about Vedic meditation.ff

Article Contents

How Do I Learn Vedic Meditation?

Learning Vedic Meditation is much easier to learn despite the intimidating name. When it comes to Vedic meditation you can utilize multiple different ways to learn this form of mind art.

Vedic meditation is a form of meditation that makes it easier for you to get into the mind and relax. Vedic Meditation is where you sit down and let your body and mind do the work. This form of meditation can be taught to others to assist with mental health, clarity, and stress.

The first step to learning medic mediation is doing the research to find a company or individual you want to learn through. Once you find this person that you want to learn through you need to commit to the journey of meditation. This journey can take you deep into your mind and bring you back out feeling rejuvenated, at peace, and loving your inner self.

How Much Does it Cost to Learn Vedic Meditation?

The cost related to learning Vedic meditation may vary depending on the company you decide to learn through. Researching some locations related to learning Vedic meditation and checking the cost can be beneficial and possibly save you money.

Typically online classes will be more affordable than in-person classes when it comes to most topics. It also depends on the extent of the class and the length of the class to place a price on the learning opportunity.

Vedic Meditation Teacher Training - cost to learn vedic meditation

The Veda Center

The Veda Center advertises that it will cost you around $1,000 USD to join their online course. They also state that the overall worth of the training that you will receive is appraised around 9000+ dollars.

The Veda center is beginning to offer their online courses again to become a meditation teacher around the beginning of February 2022. Find out more about the program in this Veda Center review.

Laura Poole

The Laura Poole community advertises their pricing depending on two separate categories on their website. The first category is “Individual course contribution” and the second category is for “full-time students, pensioners or ages 16-24”.

Depending on which category you call in will determine the price they will request of you. The first category will be requested to pay $880 dollars immediately or payments of $300. You are able to break it down more and pay payments in a 10 week period if you do not have the money right away.

If you qualify for the second category they will request that you pay $550 immediately or payments of $190. With the first category, you are also able to pay a smaller amount over a 10 week period if you do not have the money right away.

Vedic Meditation IT

The Vedic Meditation website featured in this article prices their courses through a “double occupancy” or a “single occupancy”. This means that you are more likely to have to attend in person and it will cost a larger amount of money.

When it comes to this site the double occupancy will cost around $19,000 per person. The single occupancy will cost around $24,000 per person. The catch with this is that is only the board, food, and courses you must provide your own transportation to the facility.

Is Vedic meditation the same as TM?

When it comes to “Vedic meditation” and “Transcendental Meditation” (™) they are very much similar to each other. They have slight differences that make them not exactly the same even though they seem that they are.

Trying to understand this concept can be very confusing because at face value many people would assume they are not different. Learning the difference between the two can assist you with becoming a better teacher.

Vedic Meditation

Vedic meditation is when you sit in a calm area and start to relax your mind and body. You can cross your legs and find a “mantra” that makes you feel strong inside. Something that grabs you and makes you feel almost invincible. Pick something that also feels important to you, something that makes you feel strong and yourself.

When you begin meditating you are going to sit in your calm space and keep this mantra flowing for 20 minutes. You may feel yourself drifting into the mantra that you created for yourself and feel relaxed. When your 20 minutes is up you can start coming back to your physical being and moving around in your everyday life.

Vedic Meditation Teacher Training - Vedic meditation

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental meditation can very much be mistaken as Vedic meditation, this is because they do come from each other. They say that Vedic meditation was created first and then transcendental was created second based on things from Vedic meditation.

When it comes to this form of meditation your body is not going to be crossed. You will be opening up your body by placing your feet on the floor flat and your arms resting. You will find a mantra that you want to repeat, over and over through your 20-minute session. As you sit through this 20 minutes whenever you feel yourself drifting from the peace you are working on to thoughts, keep repeating the mantra you chose.

3 Great Resources to Learn Vedic Meditation Teacher Training Online

Finding good resources to ensure you are obtaining the proper knowledge is very important. You want to make sure that the online sites you choose to learn from are going to have you on the right track for this career choice. Three popular resources that many people utilize are The Veda Center, Laura Poole, and Vedic Meditation.

Each center that you will look at will have its own way of guiding you to being a Vedic meditation teacher. They will require certain things from you that other centers may not. Learning each center’s way will help you decide which form you fit into better for your journey.

1. The Veda Center

The Veda Center is an online site that you can utilize to learn how to learn meditation and become a teacher of this profession. When you visit the website for the Veda Center it shows you how to master your own life and become closer to yourself internally.

The Veda Center provides an online option to become certified as a Vedic meditation teacher. This will be 200 hours of complete learning how to guide individuals through beginning their self-meditation journey. This center makes sure to focus on the four major forms of mediation.

  • Present moment awareness
  • Intention
  • Transcendence (your self-discovery zone)
  • Energized body and mind

These four mediation categories are bases for how you will guide another individual. The center focuses on each topic during their 200-hour course to ensure you are knowledgeable about a broad variety of different topics.

Signing up for this center’s journey will be very consuming as they expect it to take over 100 days to complete. They also want you to complete multiple tasks that take a few hours each day.

For more on the Veda Center, check out this Veda Center review!

2. Laura Poole

Laura Poole is a teacher and guidance person when it comes to Vedic meditation. The site leads you to where you can learn your own self serenity, within you. Laura Poole is also a community of like-minded people that want peace and tranquility. The community is very welcoming to newcomers and eager to guide people to their destinies.

The course through this welcoming company is taught over an eight-hour span that they split up into two hours sessions. This company teaches you how to learn your own “mantra”. A phrase or thing that you use to bring your mind back to the peace that you need. After you learn your mantra that is going to help guide each meditation you have they will teach you how to get more involved with yourself more through the remaining sessions.

This community you will be joining is run by a very knowledgeable individual that can enlighten you on the path you want to follow. They will also assist you in going deeper within yourself to ensure you get through any issues or questions you have of your own person. This company believes that it is impossible for you to not thrive on the topic of mediation.

3. Vedic Meditation IT

The Vedic Meditation initiator training through this site is a very lengthy and consuming process. You will have to travel to the facility called “Sattva Centre” and this may cause travel by plane or other means.

To qualify for this form of learning you will have to have been practicing Vedic meditation for two years or more. You must be willing to leave your homestead and travel to the area and limit the many things you would have in your everyday life.

You will be required to do the following things to make it through the program;

  • Limit your contact with friends and family
  • Eat a strict diet
  • Limit activities other than meditation and walking
  • You are not allowed to share a room with anyone of the opposite sex as you
  • You will partake in celibacy
  • You are to limit your caffeine intake completely.

With all of these requirements, this is just what you will be doing while staying at the facility for the program. This program is over 12 weeks long.

If you are not looking to complete the program in person the lead instructor Thom Knoles does have a YouTube channel that will allow you access to minimal videos. The channel was created a year ago and has over 788 subscribers.

With this learning opportunity, you will have to consider the options as the website does not have courses online related to their site as the other two opportunities listed do.


Becoming closer with yourself is a very intriguing journey that you can discover through meditation such as Vedic meditation. When you step into this journey it allows you to guide yourself and others through life and being at peace with themselves. Becoming a teacher of Vedic meditation is an incredible opportunity.

(If you are interested in learning more types of meditation, make sure you check out transcendental meditation!)