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3 Legit Ways to Get Certified to Teach Meditation

Meditation comes in various forms and has helped millions of people relieve stress, find healthier lives, meditate to help their bodies, and connect with their spiritual side. Many have chosen to make the study and practice of meditation their life’s work and make it their full time career, but how would you go about this for yourself?

You may obtain certification to teach meditation in a multitude of ways, most commonly through online classes. A certified meditation instructor must satisfy a few prerequisites such as undergo an official education program and can then turn teaching meditation into a full time career.

This means you can complete the meditation certification process entirely online and begin your meditation journey quickly. You want to get into meditation because it can help improve both your life and the lives of others, and with certification, you can be equipped with the proper tools and knowledge to perfect your practice.

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How Do You Get Certified to Teach Meditation?

The best way to teach meditation is by making sure you know the ins and outs of everything involved. Meditation is a complex craft that can often mean many different things and be presented in a variety of styles. It’s important that you know what you’re bringing to the table as a teacher when you take on students and convey to them the benefits that your style of meditation and instruction can bring them.

What Goes into a Meditation Certification?

You can get started on your journey through certification and licensing to teach. In most areas, you’ll be required to obtain some level of certification if you want to teach legally. Certification can help you secure location, put your name out there as a prospective instructor, and can help you make your case if you’re asking for a loan if you want to open a school of your own.

Certification typically involves you putting in the time and effort needed to complete an online course. Odds are, if you are interested in teaching meditation, then you already know a thing or too.

However, one can never stop learning and in the case of certification, there are certain standards and practices that you will likely need to be taught before you are allowed to teach in a public setting. Certification can help you get the right training to ensure that you actually have the skills and knowledge necessary to help others.

How Do You Get Certified to Teach Meditation?

This can depend on where you begin your lessons and where you want to take your practice. The easiest way to get certified is by taking an online course. These days, accredited institutions specialize in meditation and can equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

The prerequisites to obtaining these certifications will depend on the course you choose. Some will give you everything you need right off the bat, but others will have their own additional requirements, such as being previously licensed to practice healthcare or completing a specific degree. There are many  different meditation certifications to get. One of the more popular ones at the moment is MBSR training online, that will help you get ready to have some wonderful MBSR therapy sessions.

Why Get Certification Online?

An online meditation certification can be a great way to get you started. Here, you can take an online, accredited course that will teach you everything you need to know without you having to leave your home.

Online courses are often self-paced and provide multiple chances, so you can work according to your own schedule and take all the time you need. To receive certification, you will have many options available to you, and we’ve listed 3 legit ways to get that certification done right.

Another reason these online courses are recommended to receive certification is the access to resources that you won’t find anywhere else. If you were to enroll in a university or community college, you could be limited in the courses offered or the instructors and experts local to your area.

With these online tools, you can excel in your space as you can find the right kind of instruction for you, and you will have access to resources, instructors, and fellow students from around the world and not just your local talent pool.

Is Teaching Meditation a Legit Career?

You might have questions about making a living off mediation as a career. The answer is yes! You can make a solid living off meditation if you’re willing to put in the work and establish yourself as a professional. There are several ways you can go about this, and each can be beneficial depending on your skillset.

Some options for a career in meditation include:

  • One way would be to open a meditation dojo. With a school of your own, you can teach meditation to students, and you can set your own schedule, decide your own pricing structure, and set your dojo to your liking.
  • Another way would be to teach through online video. Sites like YouTube are bigger than ever, and you can teach from the comfort of your home. Salary here is determined by the number of views you get, and you can attract sponsors to raise your revenue higher as well.
  • Try teaching in a group setting. With this, you can gather willing students from your community and teach them meditation in a more casual setting without you having to worry about the logistics of running your own business.

By putting in the time and dedication to establish yourself and put your name out there as a trusted source when it comes to meditation, you’ll grow your business and endeavors to the point where you can make a healthy living off your practice.

Meditation isn’t what one often thinks of when they try to list the most successful career paths, but as an instructor of meditation you can find a fulfilling career for yourself while helping to spread the knowledge of a healthier lifestyle for all your students.

3 Legit Ways to Get Certified to Teach Meditation

There are a multitude of ways you can get certification, mostly through online certification courses. To achieve your goal of teaching meditation, you’ll have to start a journey that involves a few steps, mainly, choosing and completing an educational course that will provide you a license upon completion.

American Institute of Healthcare Professionals

One recommended course would be through the American Institute of Healthcare Professionals. This avenue provides official health care certification for multiple fields, including hypnotherapy, forensic nursing, substance abuse practitioners, grief counseling, and many more.

You should consider this certification for meditation because it:

  • Provides a full certification program
  • Establishes requirements for long term practice through recertification plans
  • And, importantly, has involvement from boards of previously trained professionals

What you should know is that completing this course will provide you a certificate valid for 4 years and allow you to recertify by completing 50 hours of continuing education.

What sets it apart from others is the fact that this course is provided by a nationally recognized institution that certifies health care professionals across the country in many various fields. A certificate from this organization will be as official as they come.

get certified to teach meditation - American Institute of Healthcare Professionals

The School of Positive Transformation

If you want a course more solely focused on meditation itself, you may want to consider the School of Positive Transformation, an online resource for meditation students and practitioners. This course is taught by 33 sessions that equal approximately 100 hours of lessons and courses, filled with scientifically backed facts and varied activities.

Considering this route for your mediation training will yield you many advantages, such as training from already established experts and courses tuned to all levels of experience. With it being all online, you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips instantly.

What you should know is that gear courses are accredited with the IMMA (International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance) and the CPD (Continuing Professor Development) Certification service. Training materials and real time support are all offered as well.

What also sets SPT apart from others is the community. When you enroll, you’re joining over 3000 others. You can join their exclusive social media group to connect with other students and former teachers as well. This institution also offers “transformation retreats” based on the program, allowing you to learn and adventure at the same time in exotic locations such as Oahu, Hawaii. See more about why people are choosing this program in this School of Positive Transformation review.

The Mindfulness of Meditation Certification Program

Another excellent option for your meditation instruction would be The Mindfulness of Meditation Certification Program. With this 2 year study, you’ll join an active community of qualified instructors ready to teach you the skills to further your spiritual side, how to properly lead classes and instruction, and give you ongoing mentorship throughout your journey. 

Enrolling in this course will set you on a mentorship program where you can connect with a small group of your fellow peers and receive personalized instruction and guidance and training for both spiritual and leadership endeavors.

This course is structured with many events and sessions that ensure you will always be guided by a real person instead of a software program. This could include their virtual events, online video chats, and individual mentorships. This can give you the convenience of online instruction, with the real world experience that only a human can provide.

What you should be aware of is that unlike most other online courses, you’ll be adhering to more of a structured schedule. You won’t be able to just sign up whenever you want, but like a real university, you’ll have to enroll within a specific timeframe, which should help you plan your schedule far enough in advance to make the most out of your time.

get certified to teach meditation - The Mindfulness of Meditation Certification Program

Use Certification to Take Your Next Step

Regardless of which direction you choose to go for your individual instruction, you’ll be certified at the end and ready to take on the new opportunities that the certification will bring you.

It’s important to remember all the advantages that certification can bring. Whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been an expert in meditation for years upon years, you should always ensure that you get the proper education and training that has been accepted on a recognized level. What the certification courses offer is just that; accredited study and access to a white variety of resources that can help set you on the right path for teaching meditation.

Whether you want to open a meditation school of your own, teach at a local community center, or even learn for the sake of learning, you can be sure that your spiritual journey will advance much further.