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The 3 Best Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program Online

A narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health disorder that includes excessive admiration of oneself (and the need for attention and admiration from others), low empathy, and self-centeredness. People with NPD are mostly controlling and manipulative towards others, and these behaviors show through emotional manipulation and verbal abuse. All these are characteristics of narcissistic abuse

Narcissistic abuse contains tactics that can make you question your sense of reality, confuse you, and damage your self-esteem. The effects of narcissistic abuse can vary depending on how long you stay in the abusive relationship. Joining a narcissistic abuse recovery program online is the best way to deal with the after-effects of that abusive relationship. 

Narcissistic abuse tends to destroy one’s life in so many ways, and it can damage the foundation of most people’s lives irreparably. It takes a lot of time to heal from all gaslighting, financial losses, and heartbreak resulting from an abusive relationship. If you were dating a narcissist, you might have lost friends and family along the way due to self-isolation, and that’s why it is important to get into a narcissistic abuse recovery program online. 

Article Contents

What happens during Narcissistic Abuse?

When you have been through narcissistic abuse, there are common symptoms you might experience, which include;

  • Anxiety and depression: The symptoms of anxiety and depression are prominent in people who have been through narcissistic abuse. Feelings of worry and nervousness result from not knowing what to expect from a partner, even if it’s a new relationship. They also tend to have overwhelming feelings of worthlessness because their partners are told how worthless they are. Even after leaving the relationship, victims stay on high alert, their brains always on fight or flight mode. This post-traumatic behavior is due to always expecting danger and looking for any signs of it.
  • You feel isolated: When you try explaining to others what has happened, and they ask you to give your abuser a second chance, or they won’t listen to you, it often leaves you feeling isolated and prone to further manipulation. You might also get back with your abuser if you’ve been encouraged by people close to you because you will feel the need to regain a connection with them.
  • Fight, flight, or freeze-up response: Being in an abusive relationship evokes the need to always look out for danger; this results in either confronting your abuser, fleeting the scene, or freezing up. Freezing up is a result of dissociation. Some people disassociate so they can emotionally distance themselves from their abuser. Freezing up can be bad in situations where you’re being physically abused because you can’t flight the scene.
  • Low self-esteem and confidence: Narcissistic abuse often involves a partner telling you how worthless you are and can’t do anything without them. You will start believing these words and lose your sense of self and self-worth with time. Your abusive partner won’t always depreciate your worth by being outright about it. Sometimes they will use a falsely affectionate tone. For example, “Darling, you’re so daft, you could never manage without me”. 
  • Inability to forgive yourself: Most victims struggle with forgiveness after being in an abusive relationship. You would deal with feelings of unworthiness because you believe that something must be wrong with you if a person who was supposed to love you treated you so badly. You might also feel like you could have done something differently to change how they treated you (which is always false). 
  • The feeling of always being in the wrong: A narcissistic abusive relationship involves a partner that never takes responsibility for their behavior. They will always gaslight you, making you think you didn’t see what you saw or you’re crazy. This treatment eventually leads you to think you’re the one always in the wrong. 

(Check out this article to learn the stages of narcissistic abuse cycle.)

Why is a program or professional therapy helpful?

After being in a narcissistic abusive relationship, it is necessary to seek professional help by joining a narcissistic abuse recovery program. Getting professional help could be very useful because now you will talk to someone who understands your situation wholly without judgment. Not everyone can understand what you have been through. On the other hand, a professional will fully understand you and help you feel less alone as you heal. 

A program or professional help after such an abusive relationship will help you understand why you shouldn’t blame yourself, cut off people who keep telling you to go back to your abuser, and interact with other people who have been in the same situation and are recovering. Such a community will help you speak up, feel heard, and be able to heal. 

Talking about the abuse you have been through is a great step towards improving your emotional well-being. Whenever you feel like going back to your abuser, your therapist will help you identify why you are having those feelings and further help you prevent getting in the same type of relationship in the future since therapy will help you understand underlying factors that could make you more vulnerable to patterns of abuse. 

The 3 best narcissistic abuse recovery programs online.

Getting out of a narcissistic relationship can be very hard, and you will need a lot of support. Here are three great programs that will help you understand why you were in that situation and how you can move forward from them. 

Reclaim your life and break free from narcissistic abuse

This program by Melanie Tonia Evans is great for anyone needing some healing after an abusive relationship. Whether it’s from your family, co-workers, or partner, she will help guide you through your journey. `

The program will help you understand what narcissistic abuse is, empower you through a step-by-step guide on how to survive and thrive. It will also help you heal your traumas and embrace your newfound freedom and life. You will also learn how to evaluate and avoid narcissistic relationships in the future. 

Melanie, herself has been in two narcissistic abusive relationships, so who’s a better helper than someone who has been through what you are going through? She has also been helping others for over ten years to recover and move forward in their lives and avoid these kinds of relationships. Melanie will guide you through your healing journey and empower you to regain control of your life. 

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program Online - Reclaim your life and break free from narcissistic abuse

Recovery from psychological abuse

This course by Joanne Brothwell is a great tool for anyone suffering from narcissistic abuse or one who has left. The program contains a three-part video to help you heal from emotional trauma. It will help you;

  • Understand and address symptoms of psychological abuse. 
  • Dive deep into emotional dependencies.
  • Recovery strategies to help you move forward. 

It also contains a 26-module ebook with strategies that will help you understand the abuse you were in and how to heal. It is a step-by-step module that will help you understand every step of your relationship and how you can further avoid being in such a situation.

The program includes a 9-week meditation guide to help you heal from the trauma you just endured. Through meditation, you will be able to rewire your brain from the abusive patterns you have been forced to think are normal, help you get a sense of self, and move forward from that relationship. You can test out this program through a 7-day free trial. 

The essential break-free Bootcamp

This course by Kim Saeed is perfect if you are in a narcissistic abusive relationship or marriage. It doesn’t matter whether you have left or not; it will help you understand your situation better and handle things as you should. 

After enrolling in the course, you will have lifetime access to it to read through and understand everything you need. The course promises to help you understand why it’s hard to let go of the pain and help you deal with the pain of betrayal, loss, and trauma. The programs will also equip you with tools to help you avoid such relationships in the future and find new healthy coping mechanisms. 

The program also contains two guided meditations to help you relieve PTSD. You will also be a part of a private Facebook group where you can interact with others in similar situations. This community can provide you with new friends and a support system like no other. Talking to others in similar situations can help you get the strength to leave or the strength to heal even after you’ve left. The course promises to help you know how to self-soothe, feel confident and hopeful, and be able to create healthy boundaries in future relationships.

How long does it typically take to recover from Narcissistic Abuse?

Averagely it takes between twelve to eighteen months to recover from such abuse. However, it isn’t guaranteed how long it will take an individual to heal. People are different, and depending on your situation, and how affected you were, it could take longer or shorter. You have to remember that patience is key. Be patient with yourself, forgive yourself, and learn new ways to deal with your past. 

With the right narcissistic abuse recovery program online, you will surely heal. Your healing journey is going to be different from other people’s. Don’t compare your experiences with others, but rather focus on taking a few steps in the right direction every single day. Someday you will get there. 

Final Words

Narcissistic abuse can be very detrimental to your mental health. Choosing a great narcissistic abuse recovery program online will help you deal with your trauma and find new ways to heal and move forward. You can choose a great program from the ones above and start today’s healing journey. You don’t need to be out of the relationship to start these programs. Maybe starting them will give you the push and strength you need to know how much you deserve, regain your sense of self-worth, and heal. 

A narcissistic abuse recovery program online will connect you with a community dealing with the same issues as you are and therapists that have been through the same situation. Most of these programs are guided by people who have been in similar situations and so you will be sure that they will understand you and offer comfort and strength where and when needed. Taking a program or course is the first step toward a healing journey. You will also interact and talk to people going through the same situation as you. Sharing these experiences will help you heal and let go of the past.