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3 Great Online Meditation Classes To Get You Started

Meditation is an ancient practice that has recently been on the rise due to its benefits on mental health. Many people have begun adopting this practice, and so should you. During the day, we have so many duties to fulfill, and our minds race the whole time; not a single second goes without thoughts occupying our minds. When you get home, you might have extra work that you need to get done, and you wouldn’t have any time to rest your mind.

Meditation is the one practice that helps you stay in the moment and relax the mind muscles. Online meditation classes are convenient since they let you squeeze in your daily routine wherever you are. Meditation is like a workout session for the mind. Doing it every day means that you’ll strengthen those muscles and enjoy calmness, peace and learn how to be mindful with your thoughts.

Practicing meditation will help you know how to focus your mind more, and eventually, your concentration will be exemplary. You will have excellent emotional health, and you will be able to reduce stress and anxiety.

The practice of meditation does a lot of good things to the mind. It brings about a heightened state of awareness and improved focused attention. Eventually, as you get older, you won’t experience problems with memory loss.

When you’re experiencing a hard time, it can be a little hard to see if there are solutions to your problems. But when your practice meditation, you stop focusing on your issues and start appreciating the “now.” You will begin to see that those problems aren’t as big as you thought they were, and your mind will expand, offering you solutions to said problems. You will have an expanded outlook towards the world, seeing things from a different perspective.

Article Contents

Can You Learn Meditation Online?

Yes. It is possible to learn meditation online. Meditation is a great tool, and as a beginner, it might be advantageous to learn meditation online because you will have a guide, and you can ease into the practice at your own pace.

The greatest 3 online meditation classes to get you started are:

  1. Sura Flow- Meditation For Deep Healing
  2. School of Positive Transformation- Mindfulness Program
  3. My Vinyasa Practice- Foundations in Meditation Certification

With online meditation classes, you can learn and practice meditation at your own pace in comfortable surroundings. It can be unnerving to learn meditation in a group class, especially if you are an introvert. On the other hand, online meditation seems much easier for some people due to its flexibility and freedom.

It is possible to teach yourself meditation too, but that can be a bit more challenging. The simplest way to get into the practice is to start by taking online meditation courses, and once you’ve been taught the basics, you can now practice on your own.

What to Think About While Meditating

Most people think that meditation requires you to stop thinking altogether, and that’s false. During meditation, thoughts will run through your head, and that’s okay. When you have ideas pop up in your head, try as much as possible and be the observer. Be the observer of your thoughts as they come and go, but don’t engage in them.

When you fight thoughts, you will find yourself concentrating more on them. Therefore, taking the role of the observer is a better route to pursue.

When meditating, you can also put your concentration on your breath. Observe how the breath moves throughout the body and how it makes you feel. Feel your breath in all parts of your body, from the rise and fall of your belly, chest area, and other parts of your body. Focusing your mind on these aspects of meditation can help prevent your mind from wandering.

online meditation classes - think about while meditating

How to focus during meditation

You might have tried getting the most comfortable spot in the house that is quiet, but you still have trouble focusing during meditation. Focusing during meditation is difficult for everyone and especially beginners. Here are a few tips that will help improve your focus when meditating.

(Starting meditation for beginners is tough. There are so many things to learn and master, but we’ve got everything you need to know in that article!)

Start small

You might have read about the immense benefits of meditation and thought that you should start doing thirty minutes to one hour daily. You would be wrong. The mind is a muscle, and you have to start training it with a bit of exercise that you can increase with time.

You can start with even two minutes as a beginner, then eventually go for five minutes, and you will keep adding more minutes ultimately. It is better to have two minutes of focused concentration than thirty minutes of your mind wandering and refusing to focus.

Sit upright and release tension in your body.

During meditation, you can start by sitting in an upright posture and taking deep breaths and exhales. You can stiffen each part of your body and release it so that eventually, you’ll have a relaxed body. Any tension in muscles will pry away your concentration on meditation. Breathing before you start meditating will help center your thoughts and bring in attention.

Don’t worry too much about your posture.

As much as we’ve emphasized sitting upright, please don’t put too much thought into it. As long as you’re seated in that posture as you begin your practice, let go and focus your attention on your breath. Concentrating on your posture will make you twitch, and the goal is to sit still. All you can do is make sure you feel comfortable with how you’re seated.

Practice the Hong-Sau meditation technique

The Hong-Sau method allows you to clear your mind and concentrate during meditation. This technique requires you to slowly inhale and count to eight, then slowly exhale and count to eight. As you inhale, say in your head hong and sau (pronounced saw) on your exhale. You can repeat this method up to six times, and you will be clear of any thoughts preparing you for focused meditation.

3 Great Online Meditation Practices To Help You Get Started

Since there are many online meditation classes, we’ve scoured the internet to get you three classes that are worth the time and money.

1. Sura Flow- Meditation For Deep Healing

Meditation For Deep Healing is a course that will provide you with tools to help you learn how to relax and reduce stress. The course is twenty-one days long, which means that you will be able to turn meditation into daily practice through the golden rule of twenty-one days.

The course is suitable for beginners as it offers even up to less than five minutes of practice daily. There’s no way you wouldn’t find at least five minutes to practice. The course will fit perfectly into your schedule without imposing any interferences.

What the course offers

  • Three daily journal prompts. We all know that journaling helps us get our thoughts out there and better understand ourselves.
  • 21 guided meditations. Each day, during the twenty-one days of practice, it will have its own guided meditation that will help you find more calm.
  • Instructions for beginners. As a beginner, you’ll have a video to instruct you on what the course encompasses and what to do during meditation. This will prevent you from being anxious about what to expect.
  • Fifteen relaxation techniques. During the course, you will be taught fifteen relaxation techniques to help you practice meditation on your own later on.
  • Tools to get get you started in your practice. After completing these classes, you will know about meditation, and you will practice on your own.

2. School of Positive Transformation- Positive Mindfulness Program

Positive Mindfulness Program is a course for anyone that wants to be more positive and mindful. The course involves a combination of mindfulness meditation and positive psychology.

This technique of mindfulness meditation is backed up by scientific research. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms.

The course will inform you on how to harness feelings of happiness, gratitude, and mindfulness. A positive mindset that you will learn to create during the course will help you lower feelings of depression and anxiety.

What the course offers

  • The course includes eight sessions of teachings on how to introduce mindfulness to every practice.
  • After each teaching on what you will gain, you get a guided meditation to practice it. The meditations are downloadable for offline use.
  • You will obtain the course and its materials for twelve months, but you can download the guided meditations and use them for as long as you wish.
  • The course will offer you a certificate upon completion.
  • You can contact the lead instructor on live chat whenever you wish during working days, meaning the lead teacher will answer your questions and concerns.

3. My Vinyasa Practice- Foundations in Meditation Certification

Foundations of Meditation Certificate is a course that will introduce you to the practice of meditation. Whether you’re looking to be a teacher or just trying to get into meditation, this course is for you. The course will give you the techniques you need to get started with meditation.

You will learn body awareness and visualization and how to utilize them during meditation. You will learn how to let go, and it will help in your meditation. You will also learn how to journal and how it will help you deepen your practice.

You will learn how to be more compassionate to your students and be gentle when helping them throughout the practice.

All the tools taught in this course will help you improve your own life and know how to help your students improve theirs. In addition, this course gives you the power to learn this practice and teach other people if you wish in the future.

What the course offers

In addition, a

  • You will always be able to access this course across all your devices, so you can come back to it whenever you wish to.
  • The course is self-paced, and you can twerk to fit in your schedule.
  • You will earn seventy-five hours of continuing education with Yoga Alliance.
  • You will be given a certificate at the end of the course.

Final Words

Since meditation and mindfulness is something everyone is trying to pursue, you should partake in a course that could help you learn meditation and its benefits. Practicing meditation will give you good results, and you will be able to recommend this practice to other people you love or people you think need to practice meditation.

As a beginner to meditation, find the most suitable course as recommended above and start your practice as soon as possible. Eventually, you will learn more than you anticipated, and you might even decide to give back to society by being a meditation teacher.

If you need more recommendations for online meditation classes, you can check out this article containing more recommendations for Yoga and meditation courses. You can even participate in live online meditation classes!